GP+ Help


Integration with xero

How do I connect GP+ to my Xero accounts?

Once you have completed the “organisational” settings the app will prompt you to connect to your preferred software file. If you are already on Xero(via another tab) it will show automatically show all the businesses you have access to.


When a Xero licence has been selected you will then be asked to confirm the connection. This screen also gives the user some details of what the app will need to access to function. None of this information is collated or passed on to third parties.

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Once you have completed the “organisation” tab and connected to Xero the next tab you left click on is “users” and add people as needed. If you have accountants access you will need to add the lead email as a user and it will be added to your account.

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How do I make sure that GP+ uses the same VAT rates as I use in Xero?

If your practice is not VAT registered you can ignore the “VAT” tab but if it is you will need to link the VAT rates in Xero to the VAT rates in the App. This is a simple step and if your practice is VAT registered and partially exempt this step captures all the custom VAT codes which have been created.

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You are now ready to import, match and export your Open Exeter Statements to Xero.

Where will I find the exported transactions in Xero?

In Xero, once you have exported the statement, you will be able to see the journal it has created by clicking:

• Accounting

• Chart of Accounts

• Left click on the figure highlighted in blue

• Click any journal you wish to view

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What data is exchanged between GP+ and my Xero accounts?

Xero Flow-01.png

I have added a new account in Xero, why does it not appear in GP+?

GP+ refreshes the data from Xero each time you sign-in. If the account has been added to Xero whilst you were signed-in to GP+, you will need to sign-out and sign back in to GP+ to see the canges that have been made in Xero.

How do I know if I have connected GP+ successfully to my Xero accounts?

In the top right of the header bar in GP+ you will see the currently connected Xero Company.

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How do I disconnect GP+ from my Xero accounts?

You can disconnect GP+ from your Xero Accounts in two ways:

  1. In GP+ go to Settings and view the Connection tab, from here you can click the ‘Disconnect’ button.

GPPlus Settings-Disconnect.png

2. In Xero got to Organisation settins - Connected apps, click the options icon next to GP+ a Disconnect button will appear.

GPPlus Xero Disconnect.png